Welcome to The Business of Being Well: Episode 181
Welcome to The Business of Being Well
After podcasting for 5 years and putting out a new episode every week for almost 3 years consecutively, I started to feel like I didn’t want to actually do this anymore.
Throughout most of 2020, I just went through the motions of getting a new episode out every week. And it probably showed…
I found myself discouraging people from starting a podcast when they would reach out to me and ask me how to get started. NOT a good sign!
Podcasting is very tech-heavy, and there are so many social media platforms available now that make getting your message out to the world so much easier!
If you’ve been listening to this show for a year or longer, then you know that I even considered starting a second podcast so that I could talk about more things than just chiropractic. I felt like I had to stay true to the original intention of this podcast, which was to support women in chiropractic.
Finally, I gave myself permission to just take some time off of the show and evaluate if I even still wanted to do this. I mean, we know it’s been an important lead generator for my business, but I’m not going to host a podcast just for that reason alone. Barf!!
During the time off, I remembered one of the reasons that I was excited to start a podcast way back in 2015. It wasn’t just to hear myself talk. No! It was because I love having and sharing conversations with other amazing people who are doing good work.
So, with that said… I’m back, and happy to welcome you to The Business Of Being Well.
In this episode about the new name of the podcast, I cover:
- Why I decided to change the name of the podcast and move into a bit of a different direction
- How competition in your area is actually a good thing
- Why I’m getting out of the box that I’ve been in for almost 6 years
- What the heck “New Earth” is and how it relates to where I’m taking the podcast now
- Why I’m retiring the Aligned Women membership program in June 2021 even though it’s the best it’s ever been
- What to do with all the things you learned in 2020 (because it’s never too late!)
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